雅各布斯在AIPCon 2023上说


将人工智能的力量与深厚的领域知识相结合, we're partnering with Palantir to commercialize new AI solutions spanning critical infrastructure, 先进的设施, 供应链管理等等.

We’re expanding our partnership with Palantir to leverage our combined technological strengths and domain expertise to tackle some of the most difficult challenges in vital sectors such as critical infrastructure, 国家安全设施先进.


“虽然我们多年来一直了解人工智能的力量和前景, 我们在安全部署方面看到了明显的挑战. 随着正规博彩十大网站排名对数据解决方案的持续关注, 结合我们深厚的领域知识, 我们让人工智能为我们的客户创造价值. Our expanded partnership with Palantir is a key differentiator in bringing built-in transparency, 在数周内为客户提供护栏和安全解决方案, 而不是几年.”




雅各布首席执行官鲍勃·普拉加达和雅各布执行副总裁 & Divergent 解决方案总裁 香农·米勒 delivered a customer keynote address at Palantir’s 2023 AIPCon, 6月1日. AIPCon is a by-invitation-only industry event of C-suite leaders drawn from Palantir’s current and potential client base.

在他们的主题演讲中, Bob explains the power of the partnership between the two companies and how they are ideally positioned to collaborate to enable speed, 从数据中提取价值的规模和重点(不牺牲安全性). Shannon then walks attendees through the power of AI as demonstrated in the real-life case study of 正规博彩十大网站排名’ Aqua DNA water solution, which leverages Palantir’s AI Platform to contend with water management in various challenging environmental conditions, 也是为了将来的规划.

观看下面的主题演讲 在这里查看完整的事件记录.




  • AquaDNA
    Aqua DNA

    正如雅各布斯在2023年Palantir AIPCon大会上的客户主题演讲中所展示的那样, Aqua DNA is an intelligent Digital OneWater solution that collects live data and improves wastewater network performance using smart sensors and AI-powered predictive analytics to reduce risk and make a positive societal and environmental impact.

  • 聪明的啊&米

    智能O简介&米, a Digital OneWater solution which provides a powerful blending of 正规博彩十大网站排名’ water subject matter expertise in operations, 设计与数据科学, 使用Palantir的Foundry平台和用户界面, 为前线O提供直接和预测性的指导&米的员工.